A Message
from Mary

early December 2003
BC Mary left the following comment on my last post here last night:
I went back to my place and checked out two of the most significant reports:
* There was time to destroy evidence before the raid, posted Jan. 16, 2008.
* Ken Dobell went through Cabinet files before police, posted May 15, 2008.
It's important and it's shocking.
Posted by BC Mary to House of Infamy
at Monday, September 21, 2009 8:50:00 PM PDT
I can only second her assertion that it is important and shocking. Well it maybe not so shocking to anyone who has been paying attention to the farce that has unfolded since the infamous Sunday afternoon raid on the Legislature during the Christmas Season of 2003. The shocking thing is how little attention the Assperson media that with the help of the Public Affairs Bureau controls the flow of information (and mis-information) in British Columbia has paid to the ongoing obfuscation, delay and apparent obstruction of justice that seems to be directed from the CEO premier's office.
It may be helpful for anyone with an interest and concern for our province to go back to the posts Mary mentions in her comment and I will make it easy for those who can't find the time or energy to search her archives or type URLs into the address bar of their browser.
* There was time to destroy evidence before the raid, posted Jan. 16, 2008.
This post is about some information brought forward by 3 Concerned Canadians and the CBC in 2004, before the CBC apparently joined the Assperson Media Monster in trying to ignore the entire issue. Here is an excerpt, but I recommend a trip to Mary's to read the rest.
During the month of December 2003, key people in the B.C. legislature knew that an unprecedented police raid was coming. The public ever since has been asked to assume that the Campbell government and staff sat meekly for 28 days, doing nothing to protect themselves. We question that assumption, in the light of the Special Prosecutor's continuing refusal or inability to disclose documents required by the Basi, Virk, Basi Defence.
Dec. 1, 2003 - B. C. Attorney General Geoff Plant is told by his staff that a case requires the appointment of a special prosecutor and may involve a search of the B.C. legislature.
Dec. 7, 2003 - Mandeep Sandhu is elected to the executive of the Liberals in Esquimalt-Juan de Fuca.
Dec. 9, 2003 - Police raid Mandeep Sandhu's home in Saanich. Police question Sandhu and seize a computer. Sandhu is later released. No charges are laid.
Dec. 11, 2003 - William Berardino is appointed special prosecutor to oversee an investigation involving a member of the Victoria police and appointees at the legislature.
From: IN DEPTH - B.C. RAIDS. CBC News Online, Sept 14,2004. http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/bcraids/
* Ken Dobell went through Cabinet files before police, posted May 15, 2008.
This post is based on a rare Assperson published article critical of der Fuhrer Campbell by Michael Smyth, that was published in the Province. A year later, approaching the election, Smythe and the other Assperson drones weren't apparently allowed to publish anything that could bring attention to the duplicity and out right dis-honesty of Assper's white-haired boy from the West Side!
The shocking 2003 raid on the legislature created a bizarre and unprecedented situation for the police, prosecutors, politicians and parliamentarians.
Bashing down the door of a crack house or grow-op is one thing. But this was the legislature, the centre of our democracy, the people's house.
The revelation that Dobell reviewed several of the most crucial cabinet documents in the case before releasing them to the police is mind-boggling. He was not covered by the Supreme Court protocol. He did not sign the undertaking not to discuss the evidence.
"This could jeopardize the trial," NDP justice critic Leonard Krog, who revealed Dobell's involvement, told me yesterday.
Now Krog has written to the deputy commissioner of the RCMP asking for a separate investigation into the Dobell bombshell.
The documents that Dobell reviewed were to be used by the police to conduct interviews with former cabinet ministers Gary Collins and Judith Reid and three senior bureaucrats, Krog notes.
"Mr. Dobell . . . at no time swore an undertaking not to disclose information about those documents and the use the RCMP intended to make of them," Krog wrote yesterday to RCMP Deputy Commissioner Gary Bass.
"Mr. Dobell, due to his unique position in the government, had greater day-to-day access to all the parties to the RCMP interviews than almost anyone in government.
"Given the gravity of the implications of these facts, I ask that the RCMP begin a separate criminal investigation immediately." {Snip} ...
I can't read these blasts from the past without being reminded of another seemingly immune "insider," namely Patrick Kinsella, who it seems could run two dozen gigantic grow ops with immunity because of his magical privilege and right to privacy, even when engaged in the public's business. During (in)Justice Bennett's last shameful performance down at the Erickson designed House of Mirrors at Robson and Smithe, she did rule that
"Kinsella’s lawyer had violated a court order not to provide access to transcripts of earlier hearings in the case and ordered that a list of the people who got access to the transcripts be released."
This being in direct violation of court protocol since Mr. Kinsella (Secret Agent for Gordon Campbell, BC Rail and CN and God knows who else) is almost guaranteed to be called as a witness, IF the Basi, Virk, Basi affair ever actually comes to trial.
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