Not Necessarily
Happy Anniversary

We've all heard that the wheels of justice grind exceedingly slow - but fine. So far we've been shown the truth of the slow part in spades. Tomorrow will be the first day of the fifth year since the unprecedented raid on the Legislature and the people of BC know little more than they did within the first year.
Gordo today, like that day four years ago, is ensconced in Maui. If he's drinking his face off again he at least knows better than to go driving around, hopefully. Many then ministers are in different situations though and keeping their distance from the Lieberal government, at least publicly. Women seem to continue abandoning the Lieberal ship, maybe they could recruit Carole James by offering her a Cabinet position in government, just a thought. Maybe she could be more useful to the NDP sitting in Gordo's Cabinet - though women do seem to bump into a glass ceiling or stonewall there. They are short a Carole and a Christy and a Judith and a Cindy and a..........
On the other hand this morning on CBC radio's the Early Edition, Jeff Davies, legislative reporter for the CBC, announced his list of the top ten political stories of 2007 in British Columbia. I wasn't surprised to discover that the BC Rail trial hadn't made the cut. I will admit that Mr. Davies did mention that the Basi/Virk pre-trial (which didn't make his list) could blossom into importance in 2008, IF it actually comes to trial. I thought I detected an unspoken lack of confidence that such would really ever occur.
Sometimes I wish that this had happened with an NDP government, then at least we would have wall to wall coverage all over Canned Waste papers and GlowBall TeeVee. Of course scams of this magnitude are unlikely to happen with folks whose idea of scams is getting help with their deck from a neighbor or some minor bingo hall hi-jinks. Or maybe bribery, rigged bidding and such with public assets at what may be high levels of government just aren't as important as backyard decks and bingo halls. Bill Tieleman and BC Mary both noted the sad anniversary. Bill mentioned that Camille Bains had done a wrap up of the trial for CP blog as follows.
[Canadian Press reporter Camille Bains, one of the regulars at BC Supreme Court room 54, has done a good wrap-up look at the BC Legislature Raid case. Regrettably, neither the Vancouver Sun nor Province has noted this remarkable anniversary in their editions today, nor printed Camille's piece.]
Canned Waste would be more likely to note the anniversary of Britney shaving her head.
Meanwhile those wheels continue to grind exceedingly fine and waaaaaaaay tooooooo slow.
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