Pity the Poor
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The 3 R's of Modern (sic) ReThuglicanism |
Last night was really fun. I made the mistake of not having any booze in the house last night, because I wanted to monitor multiple media, plus I was afraid that if Romney and the intellectual pin head of the Repuke Party, Paul Ryan wound up elected, I would go on a really sad and then mean drunk. I never thought that the Man from Bain and the altar boy from Wisconsin could actually win the election, but based on past performance of Reich Wingers both here in Canada and down below the forty-ninth in recent years was trying to be mentally prepared to witness another outright theft of an election. I guess the Democratic Party after two stolen elections were prepared this time and hordes of lawyers were all over the Republican Statehouses and Election Officials before even official voting day in order to deal with the RePuke tricks before the fact, rather than after.
I NEVER watch Faux, but last night I made an exception and checked out what nonsense they were spewing from time to time, though I mostly followed the returns online at Politico and mostly switched between CBS and PBS for the necessary dose of punditry and talking heads. The Comedy Channel should be nervous, because Faux News is really stepping over the line into their department. Especially funny was watching that unctuous excuse for a human, Karl Rove, vainly arguing with the rest of the idiots at Faux that Mutt Mitt was still gonna prevail in Ohio. An hour and a half after every media outlet on earth had called the election for Obama, the Runt Rove was still arguing that Ohio was gonna go Mitt, meanwhile Virginia fell to Obama, then Colorado, then Nevada, and finally it didn't even matter if Mitt got Ohio, Barrack Obama had been re-elected.
Some people make a big deal about the tightness of the end result of the vote, and point out that the country is still split, but there is NO doubt that Obama WON the popular vote, unlike Bu$h the Lesser who lost the popular vote in 2000, but still got to be Preznit thanks to his bro the guv of Florida and the creeps that his daddy and his Uncle Ronny Raygun had appointed to the Supreme Court. That decision was so odious that the majority opinion felt compelled, COMPELLED, to insert into it that it COULD NOT EVER BE REFERRED TO AS A PRECEDENT for anything.
Since cases generally aren't even heard at the USSC unless a legal issue needs to be settled for future use, this was extremely unique. I'm convinced that once she saw what she had wrought by giving Dubya the keys to the kingdom by going along with Fat Tony Scalia and Uncle Clarence Thomas, she retired earlier than she might otherwise have done, out of shame. She must wake up screaming in the night, when she thinks of 9-11, Iraq, Chief (in)Justice Roberts and mini-Fat Tony Scalito the meltdown of 2007-8 and all the rest of the shitstorm that ensued because the winner of that election didn't become President.
Even more fun is today, watching all the Republican heads explode and listening to the excuses and suggestions from taking to the streets by Lord Hairpiece Trump (watch out the Donald, we might bring out the guillotine) to the National Review who concluded that Americans obviously don't deserve democracy, or they would have given the MittStake the Oval Orifice to which he was entitled. Meanwhile Dick Cheney's former female (I think) Dickette Cheney, Mary Matalin lashed out with "political narcissistic sociapath leveraged fear and ignorance with a campaign marked by mendacity and malice?" I would have sworn she was describing Mitt Romney, and why he lost, but no, according to Let Freedom Rain, she thinks she is describing Barrack Obama...........WOW!
Frothing at the Mouth in Canada
Polling in Canada and most of the world showed that if other countries were allowed to vote (and considering the effect the USA has on the rest of the world, maybe they should) the election could have be called as soon as the polls closed. Obama was favored by sixty to eighty five percent in country after country according to the pollsters. But in Vancouver there is a sad little, well not so little, blogger who figures the whole world lost because the Marvelous Mittster got sent back to Boston, Utah, the Cayman Islands or Switzerland or where ever he'll go to get back into doing some good old Vulture Capitalism. Maybe he'll move to the Cayman Islands or Switzerland, to be close to his money cuz him and the unfortunately NOT Queen Ann are empty nesters with the boys all off on their own now learning how to plunder companies and run hedge funds and stuff themselves. You would think anybody with FIVE grown sons, with dreams of the Presidency might have suggested at least one of his sons might have considered military service, even if not at the pointy end of the stick. I mean even Bu$h the Lesser spent a few weeks or months patrolling the Tex-Mex border during the Vietnam War and Joe Biden's son Beau served in Iraq with the JAG. Of course perhaps the boys served their
According to the greatest blogger in at least this part of the world (in his own fevered pea brain that is:
The national popular vote split 50/50, proving my point further. The vast majority of counties (these are comprised of America’s electoral college precincts/polls) were awash in Republican red. 30 Governors–all Republican; an increase in the House, with continued control–all Republican.I don't know which election he was watching last night, just like I don't know what reality he is generally discussing at the best of times, but here is a fact or two:
As usual over at the CyberSewer known as Rubbish without a Pause, the usual crew of sycophants imaginary or just nuts is showing up to slap their mentor on the back and then low and behold one poor individual I've never seen comment there has the temerity to actually disagree with the King Kong Blogger. Part of the actually quite respectfully put comment is:
.....it is impossible to take you seriously with regards to US politics any longer,.... Things you are spouting here are lifted wholesale from the Faux News echo-chamber. I mean, seriously. Obama, “one of the most left wing politicians in American history”?! “Socialist”? Mitt Romney a “man of the people”? Mitt Romney, vulture capitalist and tax evader extraordinaire – “best economist-in-chief”? And you’ve bought wholesale into republican lies about Benghazi.Then Asshat jumps to the attack with:
What’s sad is that you can’t read.
I never said Romney was a man of the people. What I said was that he wasn’t able to parlay that story into a workable narrative.
And Obama is a nightmare. You don’t like that. Too bad. The only thing sad, is you.Really intelligent rebuttal buttface - what you said was:
if only Romney was able to better articulate that he was a man of the people,That sounds like you are saying either "he is a man of the people, but couldn't get that across (cuz he ain't) or he should have been better able to PRETEND to be a regular guy. That one exchange between King Kong and a commenter clearly illustrates why his comment threads read like letters in a fan magazine. Thin skin, weak logic and a tendency to live in an alternate universe..........
I could go on and ridicule the idea of trying to make a big deal out of the unfortunate events in BenGhazi, when Bu$h and Cheney had months of warnings about 9/11 and Al Queada, but preferred to cook up a reason to overthrow Saddam over non-existent WMD, which is what really threw the Middle East out of whack. Saddam wasn't a nice man, but he was a bulwark to Iran and upsetting him has basically allowed Iran to turn Iraq into a client state. Anyway, I've got other fish to fry tonight, as i am sure does the Evil Obama and that Poor, Poor little Plutocrat MittStake RMoney!
I know the King of the Sewer don't think much of Newt, and neither do I, but at least the Newt realizes that the Republicans better figure out how to seem relevant to anybody but greedy Billionaires like the Koch Brothers and Sheldon Adelson and angry old white men or they will be a memory like the Whigs.
The one thing the King got right, although he acted like it was a bad thing, was that Obama's campaign ran like a well oiled clock, which would have been a good thing if Mitt's had done so well. But the problem is with Mitt and the ReThugs is they are just too busy drinking their own bathwater while they yell at each other on Faux and radio shows like Rusty Limpball's. Frankly, I'm quite happy with that, don't change a thing - and I'm an old white guy, just a grumpy one, not angry..............................and definitely not a billionaire!
Well, I guess anyone who can get fired from cutting edge radio..CFUN(LOl) after 2 episodes!
HA, hilarious..
I have a picture in my mind, El Bloatto sitting at the computer writing comments, jars with perforated lids full of flies buzzing away..
Below his desk, in and around his fat feet are piles of wind driven wings and wingless bodies of sacrificed flies..
Writing and talking to himself in Montogomery Burns(Of the Simpsons)voice..
As flies one by one have their wings ripped from their backs!
Can't believe you'd be over at "Rubbish without a Pause" (good one, that) for any other reason than to see how low the state of man had fallen, and certainly not to report on how foul a sewer smells to people who already know. But thanks for trying....
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