I may have let my imagination run away with itself when I heard that yet another Parliament of a white majority former British Colony had been "hung." It can't be a criime to accidentally imagine Stevie Harper and John Baird dancing with their feet high above the ground, can it?
First it was Stevie, and then Stevie again, eking out a "minority" government, though why acceding to the will of the actual majority of the house is equated with a coup is beyond me. Of course Mr. Harper just ignores the fact that maybe 15-20% of Canadians actually want him to be Prime Minister and rules like a man with a mandate and runs and hides (prorogation) when that becomes difficult. About forty percent of the vote in an election that half of more of the qualified voters refused to participate in hardly seems a mandate to me. Of course having the last election on short notice, right after everyone went to Grandma's for Thanksgiving and quietly changing a bunch of ID requirements over the summer didn't promote participation either, or was that the intention?
But with a lack of leadership in opposition, or any opposition party with a prayer of governing and slipping your agenda into bills about other stuff, US style, and Canada is well on its way to being "unrecognizable, when Harper is done with it" as he promised years ago.
It was after the election in the UK that everyone became familiar with the term "hung" as the kinda winner reached out to the kinda equivalent to Jack Layton or Gilles Duceppe here - in other words the third place party, and formed an actual coalition with Clegg as Deputy PM, rather than endlessly threatening to call another election that "nobody wants" or at least that's what they claim. After all, it is soooooooo damn hard to pry oneself away from the couch or whatever and go to the polling station. Harper and his henchman make participation in the democratic process seem just slightly less onerous than serving in the military or on a humanitarian mission in Afghanistan.
Now that the Australians have brought about the tri-fecta of "hung" parliaments, perhaps it will become clear that the majority of the voting public in the old Empire DON'T LIKE ANYBODY VERY MUCH! In the Sydney Morning Herald, some of the currently being heavily courted small independent party MPs hope this hung situation can lead to change in "Parly."
Most observers would agree with the independent that question time, in theory the most important hour of the parliamentary day when the executive is directly scrutinised, has degenerated to virtual uselessness.
The prime minister and ministers of whichever party is in power very rarely answer opposition questions in any real sense. Instead they turn their answers into torrents of abuse that often run unchecked for many minutes.
Jeepers, creepers, sounds just like Ottawa and Victoria, don't it?
The situation has caused the Aussie Dollar to lose value and created instability all around Asia but hey, the guys who spent $100,000,000 to get rid of Kevin Rudd and bring about this election and will buy another one if necessary are so far cautiously happy with the results.
This first hung parliament in 70 years is a potential tailwind for the nation’s mining companies, as a Liberal Party majority would likely shelve the new mining tax.
News of the hung parliament sent shares of mining companies in Australia higher on Monday, as Rio Tinto, BHP Billiton, and Xstrata (XSRAF.PK) all posted gains
By the way, they are as dishonest with party names in Australia as they are in B.C. and Canada, as the "Liberal Party" there is just slightly to the left of Attila the Hun - right wing whack jobs compared to the Labour Party (interesting how "labour" hasn't been turned into a dirty word yet in the Mother Country and the former penal colony)
They look forward to the demise of the hated mineral "profits" tax, and so far have been much more successful in evading corporate responsibility than say Catalyst Pulp mills have been in BC. Somebody has to pay taxes, but goddamnit, it ain't gonna be the folks with money, not if they can help it - they would rather pay lawyers and accountants even more to avoid their share of maintaining the quality of life for their employees, who wouldn't even be white if God woulda put the damn minerals in the right place to begin with.
* I haven't been able to make my javascript game work in Blogger, but I could e-mail working instances to anyone interested. I could even include any favorite air dancers for anyone requesting their copy. One just needs to download onto their hard drive and then open in a browser.
My copy currently contains -"Stephen Harper","Gordon Campbell","John Baird","Colin Hansen","Rick Coleman","Stockwell Day", "Mikey DeJong","Jason Kenny", "Helena Guergis", "Ida Chong", "Shirley Bond", "Peter McKay" but there's room for more. One must take petty satisfaction where one finds it, eh?
Of course the goal isn't necessarily to spell the "word" or name correctly because then they don't "swing." Then you get a dialog box telling you something like.
Are they Venal or Stupid? Department: Terry Lake, part of the two man, 1/2 brain cell, brain trust from Kamloops showed his lack of mathematical skills and inability to grasp abstract or basic concepts this morning while being interviewed by Marion Barschell for Daybreak on the CBC. In his exalted position as chairman of the never yet to have met in twenty years "select" committee tasked with dealing with the anti-HST petition said:
Since they only got 37% of the voters in my riding (Almost 4 times the amount necessary by the way or 370% of the required amount) to sign the petition that means there might be 67-68% who LIKE the HST.
(approximate quote...off the air)
Kev and Terry together probably set up an intelligence vacuum that sucks any sense from surrounding ridings as well, thereby explaining why things occur in MudSlide Slater Land and Donna Barnett's (or is that Barnum of Barnum and Baily and fools/suckers being born every minute fame?) imaginary Cariboo fantasy land.
Well Mr. Lake, if I could be so personal as to address you as Meester, once you went over 100% of the voters you got into Star Trek territory for me. I guess fuzzy math skills make the BC liaR book keeping methods easier to tolerate. Keep in mind, feeble minded one, that that was 37% of the ELIGIBLE voters in your riding. The 35-40% you managed to get elected with were 35-40% of about ONE HALF of the eligible voters or 17-20%, meaning that 80% of the voters OR MORE, don't really like you very much.....keep that in mind as we head into the beautiful Recall season and nothing smells as nice as recall on a cool fall morning, NOTHING!
him an me gradgeeated from thu sixst graid tugethure
jethro bodine.
What a maroon. Do we need any more proof than this that the auditor general only uncovered the tip of the iceberg?
Anyone opposing Campbell and Hansen, loses their jobs. We have seen that before. Campbell's corrupt sale of the BC Rail trial, is a total farce. Martyn Brown, is brain dead. It is said, the corrupt sale, is tried, in a corrupt court, by a corrupt judge. However, the judge could lose her job, by not playing ball with Campbell. BC is corrupt, to the nth degree. To expect Campbell to do any good, for the province and the people...Is an exercise in futility. Decent people do not behave, as Campbell and his motley crew does. There is not one saving grace, among the lot of them. There will be many monetary MISTAKES, that we will never hear of. The BC Liberal party, is a faux Liberal party. Campbell and Hansen, were willing, to lie, deceive and cheat to win. That has never stopped, to this day.
Anon. said
"Anyone opposing Campbell and Hansen, loses their jobs."
Hopefully that will be about to change over the next few months. Once Campbell and his cohorts see that the public anger and frustration increases, anything like firing people will seem and appear vindictive.
I would like to think that some of the senior public servants will do the right thing and ignore Campbell and his threats and intimidation. Once out of power, Campbell will have a very hard time to do anything remotely normal and no doubt, will continue to be as arrogant and obnoxious as ever - much to his chagrin.
Hindsight is alway 110% - right. No point in complaining unless we all get out and do something as well. Just ensuring that the RECALL IN THE FALL becomes a success should be enough to upset the whole apple cart. It will also send out a clear, strong message that you (leceted government)don't mess with the public too much or else.
It can only get better from here on in - the lines are drawn and we are on the offensive - the Campbells will be working hard to remain intact, but for hw long ????
Anon. said
"Anyone opposing Campbell and Hansen, loses their jobs."
Hopefully that will be about to change over the next few months. Once Campbell and his cohorts see that the public anger and frustration increases, anything like firing people will seem and appear vindictive.
I would like to think that some of the senior public servants will do the right thing and ignore Campbell and his threats and intimidation. Once out of power, Campbell will have a very hard time to do anything remotely normal and no doubt, will continue to be as arrogant and obnoxious as ever - much to his chagrin.
Hindsight is alway 110% - right. No point in complaining unless we all get out and do something as well. Just ensuring that the RECALL IN THE FALL becomes a success should be enough to upset the whole apple cart. It will also send out a clear, strong message that you (leceted government)don't mess with the public too much or else.
It can only get better from here on in - the lines are drawn and we are on the offensive - the Campbells will be working hard to remain intact, but for hw long ????
Yours is the first rational piece I’ve seen, about so-called “hung” parliaments. I happen to believe that in this one instance, the electors are intrinsically wiser than the bloody political hacks; that there are absolutely times when the profligate stinkers should be stalemated from their corrupt and/or indolent roles. In Australia (where it is a legal obligation to vote) I suspect that comparatively few voters were hoodwinked by the corporate anti-democratic forces hell-bent on tax evasion, and they voted accordingly.
I think this is a good story thread, and one which is now resonating in different western democracies. The corruption and control of our institutions by the Machiavellian engineers of the greed lobby is a good example of why democracy is absolutely essential. Of course they (the politicians) do not like being hamstrung! In a way, it’s antithetical to their raison d’être. Those like the Greens and NDP who have been unable to insinuate control are more than happy to avoid accountability for their own political incompetence. Like the man sez: “…the road to hell is paved with the best of intentions”.
One interesting wrinkle in all this, is the fact that several years ago, the Canada Elections Act was re-written and passed with the consent of a majority in the House, allowing for the destruction of any ballots which might demonstrate voter dissatisfaction with status-quo parties and incumbents. Any ballot not “correctly” marked on behalf of established and “legal” parties remains uncounted and unexamined. This inherent right of voter dissent is squelched and “disappeared”. The Parliament of Canada was thus denied the possibility of reflecting wide-spread rejection of prevailing idiotic trends. The conscientious voter is left pissing in the wind while the parties engage in a twisted game of how to avoid minority coalitions, and much hand-wringing angst about why voter turnouts are so low. It won’t be long now before some treacherous politician turns that into a good reason to introduce an even more corruptible “virtual” voting system.
As you can see, I don’t view Canada’s “Honourable” political class with much esteem these days. I think it’s a part of getting older. But I did enjoy reading your comments about the legitimacy of “hung” Parliaments. In some cases, not-so-well “hung” may be a good thing! Cheers!
Harper's Lousy Pre-Election Summer
by Kathleen O'Hara
Rabble - Aug 12, 2010
Koot, don't miss it. I tried to forward the link ... then the whole article ... but am caught in cyberspace again and things aren't working quite right.
I hope you'll have a look ... it will gladden your heart.
Actually, I stumbled across this Rabble piece while trying to find the story behind a morning's streaming headline, which said: "Harper advisor resigns to spend more time with family" ... never did find it. Tom Flanigan is already ejected and is stirring the pot here, there, and wherever they'll let him pontificate. So who could this new resignation be??
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