Obstruct Justice

Basi-Virk trial waiting to get back on track
by Neal Hall
.... dean of Pravda's Accreditation Panel
VANCOUVER - After two weeks of delay, the Basi-Virk trial has been adjourned again until next week
The jury was told today (Thursday) to return on Monday.
A ban on publication of dicussions that take place the jury's absence prevents the media from revealing the reason for this week's delay.
The jury trial has only sat for three days since it began May 18.
Then the trial was delayed for a week because one of the three accused was sick.
The trial was further delayed for three days this week by a matter that cannot be reported because the trial judge, B.C. Supreme Court Associate Chief Justice Anne MacKenzie, has imposed a publication ban on discussions that take place in the jury's absence.
So far, the first witness is still on the stand.
Martyn Brown, B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell's chief of staff, is expected to resume his cross-examination on next week
The trial was set for six to eight weeks but is already two weeks behind schedule.
Words fail to be capable of expressing the CONTEMPT I have for this mockery of a judicial proceeding and the insult it is to the people of British Columbia!!!!!
We ain't seen nuthin' yet, I understand by rumours going around ...
such a miracle, Koot,
the way being "accredited" prepares journalists for being capable of publishing the news before it happens.
Just watch out for Monday, June 7, in courtroom 54. And polish up the details on Plan B, maybe.
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