One of the crime scenes

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Re-incarnation of
Mr. Bojangles,
Martyn Brown!

Bill "Mr. Bojangles" Robinson

On May 25, 1878, Bill Robinson, who would become "Mr Bojangles" was born. That is why today May 25, 2010 is National Tap Dancing Day. So how much more appropriate could it be that the BC Rail trial also returns to tap dance Studio 54 where Chief of Staff to the Capo Campbell can continue his tap dancing around the truth for a few more days. Mr. Brown is so good at tap dancing that he can do it sitting down in the witness stand, under oath!

The Cult Must be Growing
         or The Ilk Enlarges!

The local lamestream press has often used as an excuse for their lack of coverage of the BC Rail trial pre-hearings their contention that nobody but a cult of conspiracy theorists care about the criminal activities and lies of the Campbell government. It is true that thanks to their refusal to perform their duty, most people haven't been aware of the issue, or think it is something that was resolved long ago. Of course now that the trial is underway, under the iron and guided hand of Justice Anne MacKenzie, they have jumped on the band wagon with as much spin as they can muster.

The traffic statistics for blogs like the Legislature Raids and here at the House of Infamy tend to indicate that there are more and more people who aren't only interested in this trial, but interested in getting beyond the same old spin of the same old PABlum Brigade and their allies of the formerly Assperson Press and Media Empire.

The Data

Day 1 - Trial scheduled to begin, but the jury is sent out and more pre-trial haggling ensues (that cannot be discussed thanks to J-Mac's draconian publication ban)

Day 2 - Wild Bill "Conflict of Interest is my Middle Name" Berardino's opening statement - interrupted by Kevin McCullough, leading to fireworks between him and J-Mac.

Day 3 and Day 4 - Chief of Staff, Martyn Brown on the witness stand under direct and cross-examination. Mainly he seems to be trying to convince the court that he was completely unaware of anything going on in the Campbell government - an odd thing for a Chief of Staff to brag about, I would think.

Friday - Traffic drops off at both blogs, as court is in recess and most people's thoughts turn to the long weekend coming up. Traffic will almost assuredly pick up again this morning for National Tap Dancing Day!

Update:10:48 AM 25/05/2010

Upon checking this morning, after posting the above, I found that yesterday, Queen Victoria Day, may have been an all time record for visits to the House in one 24 hour period. This is surprising, considering it was a holiday, and good weather at least here, in paradise. I can only guess it was the result of BC Mary citing Robin's letter and providing a direct link to the posting. Thanks for making me catch up with my database busy work, Mary!


Blogger BC Mary said...

Oh, I love graphs ... they are so effortlessly emphatic.

Many thanks for your artistry, Koot.

I wonder if I could copy them, and drag them home to my place ...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 at 1:41:00 PM PDT  
Anonymous BC Mary said...


You'll love this.

One of my commenters wrote in to TLR to tell me that the reason TLR visitors had doubled -- since the BC Rail Trial started -- is because I carry a short list of links in the left margin. He copied and pasted the list for me.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010 at 5:08:00 PM PDT  

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