One of the crime scenes

Friday, May 05, 2006

'twas the month before trial
and all through the House---

All has been pretty quiet on the House of Infamy front. This is nothing new, though the raid generated a certain amount of interest and articles in the month or two following its occurance, since then the whole thing has mainly stayed in the background except for the rare spike of activity. Various media had little success in accessing information, like that used to obtain the search warrants, until last month when Justice Bennett released approximately 80% of the information. Now once again the issue is back on the back burner, most likely until next month when the trial of Basi and Virk is scheduled to begin.

During January of 2004 there was much speculation in the media concerning the ties between Dave Basi and Bob Virk and the federal Liberals. Though the federal Liberals and Gordo's gang in Victoria seem to share little but a name with the same letters in the same order, this affair has shone some light on the ties between the two varieties of Libs on the backroom organizer level. Recently BC Mary sent the House an article from the North Shore News published on January 14, 2004. This piece was written by Leo Knight, an ex-cop with Conservative leanings.

from Fraud plays a big part in political campaigns

" wasn't Basi's expertise in economics that got him his job as ministerial assistant to the finance minister. Nor was it the vast political expertise gained over less than a decade as an unpaid intern or a low-ranked civil servant.

....No, it was his ability to deliver memberships to the party to support this cause or that person......
They hire those people who can give them the most politically expedient results. If, as in this case, it appears to be Indo-Canadian bums in chairs at nomination meetings, then so be it."

To read the complete article, click here!


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